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Friday, September 30, 2011

~~Click on Sample to view full size~~
This Tutorial was written on September 30th, 2011 by Ashly
It is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy and do not post elsewhere.
This tutorial is written as if you have a general knowledge on how to use the program.

Remember Tutorials are just a guideline.  Add your own spin on it and make it your own!!!

 ~*~ Supplies Needed ~*~
Program of choice
I am using Photoshop CS5 Extended

Tube of Choice:
I am using the amazing work of Elias Chatzdouis
You must purchase a license to use his work and you can do so HERE

Kit Used:

Fright Night by Mythical Designs
You can purchase this kit for use HERE

Mask used:
WeeScotsLass Mask 218
You can get it HERE

Filters Needed:
Xero – Porcelain
Xero - Radiance

*~*~*Let's Get Started*~*~*
Open a New Canvas. 600px x 600px
flood fill with white.

Go to your kit and open up Frame3
Copy and paste it onto your canvas and then resize by 60%
Erase the small dots in the center of the frame.
Open paper3, resize so it's 600px x 600px
Cope and Paste it onto you canvas and move it below your frame layer
Use your magic wand to select inside of your frame
Select ---> Modify ---> Expand by 5, select inverse
Select your paper layer in the pallate and hit delete.

Open paper5 resize to 600px x 600px.
Move to just above your white background and apply your mask.

Click on your frame layer
Go to your tube and copy and paste it into your canvas.
Resize and position.
Duplicate this layer move the bottom one just below your frame just below.
Hide the one just above and then go to the one below and and erase any part that is outside of the frame.
Add a drop shadow.

Go to the top tube layer and erase any of the parts that are over your frame.
All the settings at default except the blue channel, slide that to 0.
Do something that's subtle that just brightens the tube back up a bit.
Filter ---> Sharpen ---> Unsharp Mask
Use default settings.
Duplicate this layer and on the top tube layer
Radius of 5.0
then change the blend mode to soft light.

Open element19
Copy, paste and resize and position.
I added an outer glow to give it the red glow around it and then erased the cloud and bat that is hanging off the right side.
Move the layer to behind the Frame background

Open element13
Copy, paste, resize and position, I also angled it to the right a bit.

Open element12
Copy, paste, resize and position, I also rotated this to my liking.

Open element7
Copy, paste, scale down and move this layer just above your frame background

Open element26
Copy, paste, scale down, rotate to the right and position just abobe the ribbon layer.
In the layer pallate move this to just above your top tube layer.

Open element21
Copy, paste, scale down to 50%, move to the upper left of the tag.
In the layer pallate move this to just above the mask layer.
Edit ---> Transform ---> Flip Horizontal
Edit ---> Transform ---> Flip Veritcal
Reposition this the the bottom Right of the tag.

Now we're going to work on the name.
NOTE: I did get learn this name portion from a different tutorial and modified it a bit to my liking but, I can't remember where now.

Open a new canvas.
I did 800px x 600 px.
Type out the name you'd like in a deep red color.
I used #9e0b0f
At size 250px
Right click on the text layer and Rasterize Type.
Now take a hard round brush, set at 7px, opacity 100%
Click towards the bottom of a letter where you want the blood drip with you mouse button still clicked, shit shift and draw a line down.
Do this for each letter where you want the drips, vary the size of the brush used I went from 3px – 7px.

Now click on Filter ---> Liquify
Use the following settings:

Then click the pucker tool
Got to your first drip and click near the base of the letter and drag down, releasing the mouse just before you reach the bottom so you get an nice sort of drip effect.
Wavering back and forth a bit is good here since blood doesn't drip in a straight line most of the time.

Now click the Bloat tool

Hover your mouse over each end drop and click and hold for a couple seconds each just to plump them up a bit.
Click okay once you're happy with the results.
Now, copy and paste this onto your tag canvas and scale it down and move it over to where you'd like it on the tag.

Add the following effects:

Reposition once more if you need to.

Open element27
Resize, add a drop shadow and a white outer glow, everything else at default and position so it looks like it's walking on the letters.

Go to Image ---> Trim.
With top left pixel color and all boxes check, click okay
Resize if you want to.

*~*~*~*~*Most Important*~*~*~*~*
Add your copyright information.

~Now for the animation~

Use your marquee tool to select a drop of blood of your choice from your name. Copy and paste as a new layer.
Deselect and use your eraser to erase the top of the drop if you need to get rid of a bit.
Duplicate and for now hide the duplicate layer.

Position the first 'drop' and the tip of the needle.
Go to you animation window and add a new layer.
With your move tool selected use your arrow key to move the blood drop down a ways.
Add a new layer and move it down a bit more.
Add a new layer and move it down a bit more.
Add a new layer and move it down a bit more and unhide the second drip and place it at the tip of the needle.
Create a new layer move both of the drips down a bit as you have been in the previous steps.
Add a new layer and hide the first drip but move the second down a bit.
Add a new layer and move it down a bit more
Do the same again.
Add a new layer and hide both drips and just have a couple of no drip layers.

Test your animation and see if you like how it looks.
Mine is set at repeat forever with the delay set at .2 seconds.
I have a total of 10 animation frames.

If you're happy with your results
File ---> Save for web & devices
Make sure you save as a .gif, where you want and by the name you want.

Ta Da! You're done!
If you have any questions feel free to email me.
I'd also love to see any results!!
I'll add them to my slideshow of results on my blog!!


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