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Monday, July 18, 2011
This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in July 18th, 2011.

Supplies you'll need:
Photoshop CS3

Greg's Factory Output Vol. II –> Pool Shadow
Xero ---> Porcelain

Tube of your Choice:
I used the artwork of Mark Yanko.
You must have a license to use his work and have purchased this tube
You can do so HERE

Scrap kit of Choice:
I used By the Sea by Kikekakits
Which you can purchase HERE

Weescottslass Mask 128 you can get HERE
Mask 1 you can get HERE

***Please remember my tutorials are guidelines!! Add your own twist onto it and I would LOVE to see your results!!***

~Let's Get started~

Open a new canvas 650x650 and flood fill with white

Open frame02. Select all. Copy and Paste into your canvas.

Edit--->Transform Scale 65% (be sure the chain link between them is locked so it keeps the same proportions)

Then rotate it to the left to the degree you're liking.
Add drop shadow.

Next, open paper04, resize to fit canvas and apply Mask1

Then create a new layer and flood fill with color of choice from your tube and apply mask 128

Next open up Paper03 and shrink down and angle to match the frame we started with.

With the frame layer selected, use your magic wand and click inside the squares while holding shift to select both squares. Select –> Modify ---> expand by 3, invert selection.

Click on the Paper03 later and click delete, drag just below the frame layer.

Copy and paste your tub onto your canvas. Flip horizontal and move in between your frame and the paper backing.

Hold down ctrl and click on your paper backing to select it then on your tube layer, invert selection and press delete.

Apply Filter.
Xero – Porcelain.
Default settings except blue channel. Slide all the way to left to 0.

Change the blending more of this tube layer to hard light.

Cope and past your tube again. Resize and move to your liking to the right of the frame.

Apply Xero ---> Porcelain
Add Drop shadow.

Add the elements of your liking to the tag. Resize and drop shadow as you'd like as well.
I used the following:

Sand (below frame)
Sand (below frame)
Bubbles01 (below frame)
Bottle 2

Add your name to your tag.

Crop and resize to your liking.

Add the copyright info for the tube to your tag.


Go to the paper backing of your frame and duplicated it 5x.

Hide all but the first layer.

Add Filter:
Greg's Factory Output II: Pool Shadow


Apply then go to your next duplicated layer and apply the filter again but change the diagonal to 58.
Do that for each following layer add 10 to the Diagonal.

Then go to you Animation Window:
Make sure you have only the first layer of paper highlighted and duplicate the animation frame so you have 5 total.

You want it to repeat forever with delay set at: .15 seconds.

One each frame for animation change it so you can only see one of the 5 paper background layers and once that's done press play and it should run just fun and look like a water reflection effect.

Once you're happy with your tag Save it as a .gif.

You're done!!

Remember I love to see the results so send them into me!!

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